Having your own well to supply your home or business with clean and safe water has its share of advantages. Those without a well, perhaps at a home site or vacation property, may be looking to add a well. When that decision is made, hiring a professional well drilling service cannot be overstated.
Forget about ancient images of shovels accompanied by days and days of digging. Modern machinery has made well drilling a much quicker task. However, most people do not have access to heavy duty machinery that is necessary to complete this kind of job.
Some wells have to be drilled out deeper than others. The process is similar to oil drilling, although it is done on a smaller scale. A smaller bit is also used in the process. The drilling is actually the most expensive part of the process and those who attempt to do this on their own can expect to pay through the roof. On the other hand, permitting is required in most states when you hire a professional, but may not be when drilling a well on your own. Consider all these potential cost before trying to turn water well drilling into a DIY project.
Choosing the location of your well is typically left up to you. The top priority is choosing a location that has the best access to clean water. That simply means not having to drill as deep into the ground and avoiding things like septic drain fields. The drilling persists until the appropriate water is reached and that is typically located between the layers of coal and sand deep underneath the surface.
The minimum drilling can extend downward to 20 feet, although most wells have to be drilled much deeper. Wells that are considered to be shallow are generally 30 feet deep while many have to be drilled as deep as 75 feet or more.
Water can be found at levels closer to the surface, although that water contains various elements and minerals, which can deem it unhealthy. It is important to go deep enough to where the water is safe. Once a well is drilled there are other parts to install and that is also best left in the hands of the professionals.
When you are ready to add a new water well to your property, consider the following:
Remove the guesswork by contacting Brown Well Supply for your well drilling and repair needs. Brown Supply Company is fully staffed with a team of experienced professionals who will attend to all your well drilling and repair in Salisbury, NC and the surrounding communities. Well maintenance services are also available as Brown Well Supply is ready to put our expertise to work for you.
121 N. Salisbury GQ Ave
Granite Quarry NC 28072
8-5 Mon-Friday
Emergency Service Available
Salisbury: (704) 279-7231
Charlotte: (704) 386-1139